Children are sensitive to seasonal changes resulting in frequent cough, cold and fever. It can be frustrating to give antibiotics every time your baby falls sick.

If the fever is not high, it may be a good idea for parents to wait and use home remedies for baby care.

We have top 10 Indian home remedies for fever in babies:

  • Breastfeed:

Breast milk has properties that ward off infection. Breast feed your baby as often as possible.

  • Turmeric:

Turmeric has antibacterial properties. If your baby is older than 6 months, you can give a pinch of turmeric in warm milk or water and make your child sip it.

  • Holy Basil or Tulsi:

If your baby is less than 6 months old, you can crush these leaves and apply it on the forehead and chest. Older kids can be given a spoonful of tulsi juice with honey.

  • Garlic :

Garlic is packed with antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Apply the paste of garlic with coconut oil to the feet of your baby and tie a bandage and leave it overnight. It helps to reduce fever.

  • Rice starch:

Cook a cup of rice using 3 cups water in a pan. Once rice is cooked, strain the water. Cool this water and add a pinch of salt to it. Feed it to your baby. It’s not only nutritious but also flushes out toxins through urine.

  • Lemon:

Lemon has antibacterial properties. Add ½ lemon’s juice to 1 cup water. Let it boil. Once it cools down to lukewarm temperature, soak a napkin in this and rub your baby’s feet with it.

  • Fluids:

If your child is more than 6 months old, you can give a variety of soups to him. Keeping them hydrated brings down the infection and fever.

  • Garlic in mustard oil:

Heat 2-3 pods of garlic in 1 tbsp mustard oil. Let it cool down to normal temperature. Apply this oil to baby’s back, chest and feet. It helps with the cold and fever.

  • Sponging:

Sponging your baby with lukewarm water would give relief in fever. Don’t do it if your baby is shivering.

  • Removing layers :

Keep your baby comfortable, removing extra layers of clothes. The heat of the body needs to dissipate.


If the fever doesn’t come down in 24 hours, it’s better to consult the doctor.